Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design working in a laptop in the dining room

Read all about my recent projects and design tips below on the blog!

Decluttering Mariana Jaramillo Decluttering Mariana Jaramillo

How did I Start my Decluttering Journey?

Most people feel overwhelmed when thinking about decluttering, and I get it perfectly because I used to feel the same way. The overwhelm grew more every time as more things started to accumulate because I felt paralysed and had no idea where to start.

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Baby, Parenthood Mariana Jaramillo Baby, Parenthood Mariana Jaramillo

How to Prepare your Home when having a Baby?

Nobody prepares us for parenthood. Never in a million years could we even possibly begin to imagine what parenthood looks like before we have our own child. nobody teaches us the new skills that we need to gain or explains to us how our homes must adapt for the arrival of a new baby.

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My Story Mariana Jaramillo My Story Mariana Jaramillo

Why did I Start my Interior Design Business?

Architecture and Interior Design have been my passion for years, but how could I really help people and provide them with value in their lives? There had to be more than just creating beautiful, functional spaces and that’s exactly why I started my business.

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