How does my E-Interior Design Service Works?

How does my E-Interior Design Service Works? - Bliss Home Design Blog - Mariana Jaramillo

How does my E-Interior Design Service Works? - Bliss Home Design Blog - Mariana Jaramillo

Today I want to explain to you one of my most popular services: my E-Interior Design, which is a highly personalised service, where we work together online to fully transform your home and your spaces. 

I want to tell you all about it and hopefully clear any doubts, seen that sometimes it is hard for some people to understand how Interior Design can work if we are thousands of kilometres away! Truth is that it can be perfectly done! A really important thing though is that communication and trust between me and  my clients it’s crucial for the correct development of the project.

So, the first thing that I always do when starting an Interior Design process is to talk to my clients to get to know them better and to ask for as much information as I can about their home. Their home in terms of their physical house or apartment, and their home in terms of who inhabits the space and how. For this I will ask you for a complete set of info and documentation and I will ask you to answer some questions.

They are two equally important factors that are very different between them. Understanding the physical space will help me see the different possibilities that this home offers in terms of layout, materials and functionality, but it is who inhabits the space who will dictate material and color choices, mood, lighting, also layout and use of the space.

After having all of the starting information, I always begin the design process with the layout. The layout is really important because it sets the functionality and flow of the space and needs to adapt to the family and their physical space. Then we will proceed with the Inspiration Board and Color Palette according to many factors that we will have already discussed and to all the material provided by you.

After this, I will prepare Moodboards of the different spaces with real furniture and decoration and will prepare in parallel a 3D model with all of the chosen elements. This will help us all see the space more clearly with all of its design elements and its functionality. All along we will have some virtual meetings where I will present you the different choices and the project’s evolution, and then, when the client approves each space, I will start preparing a complete shopping list and all of the documentation that you will need in order to make everything that needs to be done and you will also be able to put everything in its right place.

Sometimes, I will help you place the different orders, and where applicable you will be able to use my Trade Discounts to be able to buy the items at discounted prices. It is important to make clear that I give you fully my discounts because I see it as a benefit for you when working with me and because the most important thing for me is transparency and professionalism so I never receive commissions or percentages over items sold to my clients! 

Sometimes it might be necessary for you to hire some professionals to help you install things, paint, do some handy work etc, or even if agreed by both parts we might design some custom furniture too!

That’s all for now and I hope you liked this post and it made the process a bit more clear! Anyway there is more info on my services page on my website so feel free to explore it more and to reach out to me in case you have any questions! Wish you all a great day and see you in my next post! 


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