My Services

Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design standing in front of material samples for finishings for Interior Design Projects.

Our homes and businesses are extensions of ourselves & our energy, so, by learning how to use them to our advantage, to fully express our personality and be able to connect with our dream clients & feel supported by our home.

Mariana Jaramillo Noratto, Founder of Bliss Home Design outdoors under a pink buganville

Soul-Aligned Personal Branding


This online service is for entrepreneurs who want to tell their story through their brand. This consultancy will help you be cohesive with your branding, website and image across all of your channels.

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Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design working in a laptop in the dining room

Holistic Interior Design E-Consultancy


From layout to paint colors, decoration, energy work, Feng Shui, decluttering or anything that comes to your mind if you want to improve your home and your well-being and don’t know where to start.

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Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design matching different material samples for an Interior Design Project

Holistic Interior Design 1:1 Online & In-Person

Online & On Site

Highly personalised online and in-person Holistic Home Interior Design service to fully transform your space, from one furniture or room to your whole house. This service is tailored to your specific home and needs.

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Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design smiling and looking at some material samples of finishings for Interior Design Projects.

“My experience with Mariana has been very productive and “self-oriented”. She guided me into planning and projecting my business as an extension of myself. I had never thought of that, but this was the philosophy I was looking for! I found her strategies greatly alined to what I had in mind and heart. She understood how I wanted to promote myself and my offers, which made it easier for me to step out of my comfort zone and trust myself in the process. This is not always easy when you are starting. With Mariana I felt encouraged and seen. I wasn’t a product, for her I was a person with heart-felted goals for her business.”

— Juanita L. (Soul-Aligned Personal Branding)

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! For all of my on-line services you can be anywhere in the world.

  • Prices depend on many factors like number of spaces, dimensions and particular needs of each client, so they are reviewed case-by-case. Contact me directly so I can help you.

  • Yes, my services go from one single room or space to your whole house.

  • Of course! One of the first steps in my services ask you for the elements that you already own and that you want to keep, so that we can make them part of the design.

  • Absolutely! Every project is highly personalised for every client.

  • Please contact me through the contact page or send me and e-mail so I can give you any further information

Stay Connected

Mariana Jaramillo, founder of Bliss Home Design sitting on a sofa and smiling.
Brown twig with pink flowers casting a light shadow.

Let’s Chat!

Are you unsure about which of my services would be the best fit for your needs?

Click below to contact me!